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Agriculture Businesses in AURORA, IOWA
There are 29
Agriculture businesses
listed under
11 Agriculture categories
in Aurora, Iowa. Please select a category or business from the list below to view phone numbers, directions, ratings, and more.
Beef Cattle Feedlots
Gregory James
8375 30th St
Vande Vorde George
2485 142nd St
Cash Grains, NEC
Koch Farms Inc
2142 F Avenue
Mhrm Inc
7296 30th St
Michael R Rau
2293 H Avenue
Ronald Kaiser
1601 Pine Creek Avenue
Timothy John Recker
1268 Slater Avenue
Alan Heitz
1225 Quinn Avenue
George Richardson
2784 136th St
Heitz Farm
2651 115th St
Jenks Partners Inc
2828 105th St
John F Muench
1375 Olympic Avenue
Kenneth Mosher
306 York St
Laverne J Lentz
605 Union St
Leslie Dockett
8157 20th St
Richard Gilson
1900 Reed Avenue
Riechers Farms
6784 30th St
Ronald Nelson
2959 115th St
Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine
Murley Partners
2852 150th St
Crop Preparation Services For Market, except Cotton Ginning
Kaiser Farm
1601 Pine Creek Avenue
Dairy Farms
Charles Jenks
1115 Slater Avenue
Christopher Curtis
1512 Taylor Avenue
Starmont Holsteins
4113 H Avenue
Farm Product Raw Materials, NEC
Central States Furs Corp
2668 142nd St
Grain and Field Beans
Aurora Elevator Inc
415 Woodruff St
Lawn and Garden Services
Rural Iowa Lawn Care
Tnt Lawncare Specialist
1417 Olympic Avenue
Robert Kalb Farms
3463 H Avenue
Vegetables and Melons
Harlan & Lenore Seedorff
6074 30th St